Percentages from 52 Week High

This script is helpful for anyone that wants to monitor 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50% drops from the 52 week moving high.

I have been using a version of this script for a few years now and thought I would share it back with the community as I wrote it in 2021 to find quick deals when flipping through charts of stocks I've been watching. I never seemed to find anything doing this simple yet intuitive thing and I found myself regularly computing these lines manually on each chart. This will save you from having to do that as it automatically draws each level on your chart based on the recent 52 week or daily high.

I recently added the ability to turn on/off different levels and defaulted to setting 5, 10, and 20 % drops from the 52 week high. You can also change this to be a 52 day moving high if that's your preference.

Please let me know if you have ideas for modification as I wanted to share this with the community given I had not seen anything out there giving me what I wanted - which is why I wrote it.

All the best friends.
Bands and ChannelsChart patternsCycles

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