Introducing a new indicator - Hull cloud. It bears some resemblance to the Ichimoku cloud , but is basically built with the Hull moving average , using a Fibonacci sequence with the usual seed of 0,1 for the lengths and offset (55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610). These settings can be changed by the user.
1. Simple Hull MA - Hull MA with default of 89 periods.
2. Cloud positive line - Short period of 233 to make the positive line of the cloud.
3. Cloud negative line - Long period of 610 to make the negative line of the cloud.
By default, cloud is offset (forward) by 55 periods.
4. Lagging span - 144 period Hull MA with negative offset of 89 periods.
5. Forward span - 377 period Hull MA with positive offset of 144 periods.
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