Included Indicators are: - Correlation Coefficient - RSI
Basic usage of these indicators respectively are: - CC value of 1 represents a perfect correlation, while a value of -1 represents an inverted correlation. - RSI values above 70 is commonly overbought, whilst below 30 is oversold. Please recognize that these are simplified explanations.
Reasons for 2 in 1 assembly: This indicator is intended to be used by students, and followers of Dan Takahashi (a prominent educator of investing in Japan who is also a user of TradingView) . Those who wants to use and learn with the same setup as Dan, would greatly benefit from this since, the complex setting up process which can be a pain for beginners can be skipped with a simple click. Every stylistic choice of color and placement were made to make it similar to the chart used by Dan.
Simple customizations are available such as: - Changing color - Changing the values - Hide/show controls
Notes: This is intended to be used alongside “MA ICHI BB ” for the complete the setup.
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