MACD hist divergence strategy with switch v2


sum Macd hist to compare their strength,the DIAMOND means total strength , if the strength divergence, the trend may change
Macd 面積比較力度, 鑽石代表總力度, 力度背離即可能發生反轉

for the bullish market, I will suggest you to close the sw of buying energy divergence ex:btc
對於大牛市會建議您將買點能量背離關掉ex 比特幣

this strategy only have long order by now

switch info
1.macd 面積背離時價格是否有背離的開關
1.A divergence switch btw price and MACD hist

2.macd 快線下穿0軸賣出的選項
2. Once MACD fast_line crossunder 0 stop loss switch

3.the setting logic and method is like this

A1. 大牛股 for bullish market
B1. 高勝率低利潤 for high winning rate but lower profit
C1 高頻適合小級別 for high frq trading, useful in low period
D1 極小級別 for extremeness low period

릴리즈 노트
change the result chart by make more than 100 trades on small period, also use 10% on equity to size positions.
(you can change all of them on the setting bottom)
DivergencehistogramMoving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)

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