Hello Everyone, In this strategy, I benefited from the values of RSI and wave trend indicators, which are the oldest and most used indicators in the market. I contributed to this bi-valued indicator myself with a bivariate formula. My variables are actually a simple intersection algorithm, the intersection of the wave trend indicator and the RSI indicators when they are oversold or overbought.
As you all know, we can send signals to bot sites via tradingview. You can use bot signals boxes in this strategy. You can analyze past transactions in the Date settings section. In the indicator settings section, you can change the settings of the overbought and oversold zones. Perhaps the most important feature here is the USE SELL SIGNALS section. I would like to emphasize this section in particular that when you mark the use sell signal section, the strategy will be processed in the buy section and will not be processed in the sell section. If you do not click on the USE SELL SIGNALS section, the strategy will be processed in the buy section, but this time it will be exited when the target in the take profit section is reached. THIS WAS IMPORTANT.
There is another important point here. Always in position and USE SELL SIGNALS sections do not work together. Run these two features one by one. It is a strategy that is constantly in operation through the name of the Always in position feature, I do not recommend it. The USE PERCENTAGE DECREASE feature, on the other hand, is the section where we want the share to drop as a percentage to enter the second trade after the first purchase is made in the settings section if you activate the pyramiding feature. You can use the tradingview help page for the pyramiding feature.
I found this strategy suitable to use in the 1-hour time frame in the crypto market and adjusted it that way. Of course, you can use it by changing the settings in stocks and in different time periods. big wins
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trendcihoca.cf this is my website please send me an email for different offers.
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오써가 승인한 유저만 이 스크립트에 액세스할 수 있으며, 이를 위해서는 일반적으로 결제가 필요합니다. 이 스크립트를 즐겨찾기에 추가할 수는 있지만 오써에게 권한을 요청하여 권한을 얻은 뒤에야 쓸 수 있습니다 - 여기에서 자세히 알아보세요. 자세한 내용은 아래 오써의 안내를 따르거나 TrendciHoca에게 직접 문의하세요.
TradingView does NOT recommend paying for or using a script unless you fully trust its author and understand how it works. You may also find free, open-source alternatives in our community scripts.
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trendcihoca.cf this is my website please send me an email for different offers.
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