
Will XRP's Precedent Change this Year?

The "pattern" for xrp since May 2018 has been 4 down bars then a bullish close in the 5th month. So we’ve had 3 sets of this so far. If this month closes above .3479, it COULD be interesting (I think), which is above equilibrium of the open and close of the June and September monthly bars (EQ3)

When the price ran above .50 in June, it opened below equilibrium of the open and close of the previous sets as well as closed below it. Perhaps reasoning as to why XRP could continue no higher. Of course, this is just using price alone.

It’s the same for the Sept 2018 retrace, the price closed bullish but not above equilibrium of the set. October 2018 opened lower than equilibrium as well

What this would signify to me is change in the "trend" on perhaps some scale that might probably be considered as esoteric or even borderline lunacy in standardized circles :-> If so, that's just fine and dandy-- I've always been one to go against the grain--I can't help it.

Well wishes.


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