
#XRP Swing Trade ($0.46) short/0.702FIB

XRP will need to hit the bottom of Wave 5 ($0.27-$0.21) before touching the 0.702FIB ($0.85).

There will be a 'SHORT/0.702FIB' ($0.46) Rally coming up, and we will see you at the bottom of Wave 5 for some MASSIVE discounts!

From there, MOOOOOON to the 0.702FIB ($0.85) and retest the new '!Speculated Trend Line' @ $0.53 as it did in Jan'16 (circled).

Good luck paper traders on this non-financial advice.

Wave 4 - short/0.702FIB | $0.46
BTFD @ Wave 5 $0.27 -$0.21


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