
XRP: the end or just panic dumping ?

Je_Buurman 업데이트됨   
I usually don't do these kinds of posts but with everyone acting out their corona-induced panic-mode .. why not join in the fun.

Ripple is one of the biggest in the crypto industry with an enormous list of (potential) partners, (trying to) give swift a run for their money. XRP is just one part of their business.
There have been quite a lot of struggles with officials and cryptospace, find one that hasn't been charged with something, hasn't had some allegations spread.
How likely is it this will end bad for XRP/Ripple or what are the chances this will be resolved in some fashion (fines paid, settlements, moving business out of the US, etc. etc.)

Disclaimer: I am neither fanboy nor hater, it's just business as usual for me.
Just a coin, like all of them, with it's pros and contras, some better some worse.
forgot a level (that I did have in an older Idea)

ignore this .. "internal" data
too easy

연관 아이디어


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