RUMOR: XRPBTC may be added to Coinbase soon. Tune in to CNBC March 6 @ 5PM EST for more news regarding this possibility.
In the meantime, this news combined with the large falling wedge on the daily may equate to some serious potential gains in the days to come. If for any reason the rumor is true (in regards to the adding of XRP to Coinbase), I think the level of FOMO we see can potentially cause a rally leading upward to re-test ATHs.
That said, 'New money' will be attracted to XRPs lower sticker price when compared to what's currently available on Coinbase -- further driving the price up, uP, UP!
I personally know many people who are waiting for a simpler way to buy XRP. COINBASE will be their salvation!
DISCLAIMER: My analysis and opinions are mostly based on the current trends and chart analysis. That said, you are inevitably responsible for your own decisions. Trade at YOUR own risk. Cheers!
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