The rate started at 7757 and rose to around 8487 ~ 8625.

This is an important section near the midpoint between 7757 and 10300.

We don't know when, but we expect to see more than the volume of transactions that occurred on October 26, 2019.

We may wait for the rise of the altcoins while maintaining the price near the important point of 8487 ~ 8625 or it may go up as it is.

Whatever you do, the actual bull market is expected to start at 10300.

It doesn't matter what you buy, but I recommend buying a moving coin.
It is not recommended to buy coins that you think will rise much in the future.

Look at the 1D chart of the coin you want to buy and make 50MA and observe the most traded coins on the top.

It can be shaken up and down a lot, but it is important to check that it is supported at the critical points, 7757 and 8487–8625.

[Example of exchange chart setup]



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