
XBTUSD Bitmex Margin Trading with Ninja Signals V3 Script

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Check out these promising XBTUSD margin trading results we recently found using version 3 (V3) of our popular 'Ninja Signals' TradingView Alerts script. Ninja Signals V3 does not repaint regardless of candle size, and was created due to popular demand after the successful release of Ninja Signals V1 and V2. Some of the indicators we've used to achieve these results are: Stochastic RSI (sRSI), Money Flow Index ( MFI ), Moving Average Convergence Divergence ( MACD ), and Ichimoku Cloud. Big thanks to TradingView for their awesome Pine Script and this rapidly growing community. If you'd like to check out our scripts, please visit the links below. Best Wishes and Happy Trading!

'Ninja Signals' V1 (SCRIPT)
Bitcoin Ninjas 'Ninja Signals' Buy & Sell Alert Trading Script

'Ninja Signals' V1 (STRATEGY)
Bitcoin Ninjas 'Ninja Signals' Buy & Sell Alert Trading Strategy

'Ninja Signals' V2 (SCRIPT)
BitcoinNinjas Ninja Signals Buy/Sell Alert Trading Script v2.0

'Ninja Signals' V2 (STRATEGY)
BitcoinNinjas Ninja Signals Buy Sell Alert Trading Strategy v2.0

'Ninja Signals' V3 (SCRIPT)
BitcoinNinjas 'Ninja Signals' Buy/Sell Alert Trading Script v3.0

'Ninja Signals' V3 (STRATEGY)
BitcoinNinjas Ninja Signals Buy/Sell Alert Trading Strategy v3.0


이 정보와 게시물은 TradingView에서 제공하거나 보증하는 금융, 투자, 거래 또는 기타 유형의 조언이나 권고 사항을 의미하거나 구성하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 이용 약관을 참고하세요.