
Bitcoin - Trendlines and Indicators are for BROKE ASS TRADERS

UncodedMind 업데이트됨   
Bitcoin - Trendlines and MOST OF ALL Indicators are for broke ass "traders"

Really, tell me WHAT THE FUCKING HELL u guys keep using this shit?

Trendlines + RSI + Fucking another 100 Trendlines + Candlesticks patterns..

"The RSI indicator are saying bla bla bla bla, and the trend line gonna be retest cause the RSI is oversold.., bla bla bla bla.."

Guys think ahead, do the OPPOSITE What these stupids "traders" are saying here."

I told u when everybody was saying "moon, moon, btc moon".
I told you in one of my first Ideas about BTC was going down..

"Bitcoin - Gods are talking about the next BIG MOVE!!"

And now u have the same shit with the Bakkt news...

Remember, almost 99% traders losing all their money, so why u gonna go with the majority?

Buy the rumor, sell the news

Yeah, I know my english is not the best.

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