GOLD with delta of 1.2K on 15 min time frame what does it mean ?

What is Delta?

Delta = Buying Volume – Selling Volume. It is used to measure the net buying or selling pressure during a specific time period.
A positive delta, like 1.2k, means more aggressive buying (market orders hitting the ask price) compared to selling (market orders hitting the bid price).
Implication of 1.2k Delta on a 15-Minute Chart:

This strong positive delta suggests that buyers were aggressively pushing the price upward in that 15-minute window. It reflects significant demand for gold, with more buyers willing to take action at market prices.
If this delta occurred around a key level, such as $2600 or after a significant bullish pattern like the bullish engulfing you mentioned earlier, it reinforces the strength of the move.
Why Does Delta Matter?

Order Flow Insight: Delta provides insight into the underlying order flow, showing whether buyers or sellers are more dominant. A 1.2k delta in a short time frame is considered quite large, meaning there was a clear imbalance between buyers and sellers in favor of buyers.
Momentum Confirmation: When combined with price action, such a large delta could signal a continuation of the current trend or a breakout. In this case, if the price was already rising, the large delta supports the idea that the upward momentum will likely continue.
Context with Price Action:

If the price of gold was rising from $2600 to $2627, as you previously mentioned, this 1.2k delta would confirm that the rally was supported by actual buying pressure, not just a lack of selling. This makes the upward move more sustainable.
If this delta occurred near the beginning of the $27 rally, it might have signaled the start of the price breakout.
The 1.2k delta on a 15-minute gold chart indicates that there was a strong influx of buying during that period. This is a clear signal of bullish momentum, especially if it coincided with the price moving upward, as it shows buyers were aggressively pushing the market higher. This kind of volume imbalance often precedes or accompanies sharp price moves in the direction of the prevailing trend.

Trend Analysis

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