Waiting! Waiting! Waiting!, on mission control to announce igniton ???
Major Tom, this is Houston "Green Light" is a (((Goooooooo))) :-) The ignition's on and firing up, took my pills again for the second time and my helmet is on, Houston "over" !! :-)
That scenario has created a bubble in fiat currency, making gold “the clear anti-bubble in this system,” he said, adding that it’s “a case of when, not if,” it moves “significantly higher.”
Gold has already enjoyed a strong year amid all the chaos, rallying about 19% and touching on levels not seen in a decade, thanks to all the uncertainty in economies around the world.
Are we in rally mode yet ?, are we still in a dream curse ???
Another head fake, is three times the charm we are two down and out??? Time will tell !! :-)