WAVESUSDTPERP - Waves is on the rise this week.

Waves is on the rise this week.
The price of Waves has risen by 77.92% in the past 7 days. The price increased by 9.91% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price grew by 1.34%. The current price is MYR 234.184285 per WAVES. Waves is 10.79% below the all time high of MYR 262.517478.

The current circulating supply is 107,886,214 WAVES.

Waves on social media.
Waves was mentioned in 3,193 out of 2,268,410 social media posts on Twitter and Reddit on Mar 30, 2022. 1,826 unique individuals are talking about Waves and it is ranked #11 in most mentions and activity from collected posts.

Source: LunarCrush


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