볼래틸리티 S&P 500 인덱스

Basic Conclusion and Confusion

I have questions about perdicting an asset/commodity deflation event or crash below If you have time. Prices are through the roof right now making the entire investing world to seem speculative. I think the market is showing weakness and there may be a crash around the corner, I'm looking at patterns to see if there's any similarities between the build up to a crash and seeing where volition is creeping towards a big leap before a significant increase in volition such as the red bar pattern over today's current situation (from a jump in 2018) where I found similarities with other minor jumps in volition and a pull back in a bullish pattern, given that a majority of the market can see inside before retailers is it possible that these build up events where fear becomes the headline for few weeks to months ends up being a sudden crash in value. Professionals and "Professionals" have said time and time again that the build up is here, it's been happening for months to years given assets are up at record highs and inflation is going now where anytime soon, our supply chain will only get worse till February I hope, even then it'll take years before we see commodities stabilize and by then the value of the dollar will not be what was, oh also the richest minority own the largest majority of everything still.. is there much of a pattern and what are some of your ideas? I hope we both learned something?

Is there a way of timing a economic crash?

Is the 36 month trading period a thing?

Is it best not to worry about the crash? it'll happen eventually as time has proven again and again.
Best case scenario I reposition some previous sales and some savings.

If a company doesn't rally back to it previous average after crash, is it still worth it to invest into said company since it is sustainable and growing a dedicated user base?
