볼래틸리티 S&P 500 인덱스

More Downside In the Future - How about Now?

A very standard .786 retrace for VIX when it comes to a bear market. To me, I'd love to see VIX falls to level around 16 or 17ish to open shorts. However, it's worth watching at this level and speculators should be aware of another round of sell-off, which could happen at any moment.

In the short term, I do believe there is still room for NQ to go up, but for at most 2 weeks, another round of sell-off should arrive.
액티브 트레이드
Now, this is a good area to open trades. Not opening too much yet just to stay cautious.
액티브 트레이드
Adding up to 30% shorts from 10% 12 hours ago. Still patiently watching.
Loading to 65% shorts from 50% on yesterday's VIX. Still watching...
Wow truly sucks I forgot to update my post even though I am online like everyday... Def still bearish with equities, and option trading will be really hard given a higher VIX is very likely to happen...


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