Virtu Financial, Inc.

Updated VIRT meme lines

Some of the recent price action has been directly caused by my working into a position from my retail brokerage account (working my cost basis down), but one thing I'd point out is that since I started trading the liquidity has thickened up from something like 5-10 price increments wide with 100 - 200 shares on the best bid and offer to a point where it's usually 1 price increment wide by 10 am with thousands of shares on the BBO. I intend to continue accumulating shares gradually over the next year or so.
This week I got gently liquidated by Fidelity so many times that I was unable to buy any more shares since Tuesday, but I should be back and ready for action sometime this week. Still in profit in my account, but only small profits so far (a few thousand $$)


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