
VETUSDT - $0.03185 - $0.02980 by the end of July

ijustcoin 업데이트됨   
This is iJustCoin, the one lucky trader who puts his money where his mouth is!

Looks like VeChain is in accumulation phase. Buying volume is turning up on the short-term group of timeframes. This may reverse the market in tact with the accumulation schematic.
The momentum is also on the bullish side.

I expect the price action to go up to the $0.03185 - $0.02980 price range. This price range might get hit by 14 July - 22 July.


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Feel free to ask me any questions related to the idea in the comment section - i'll be glad to reply.

Good Luck, Bye-bye!
And remember this market doesn't respect doubters!


Chart Code:

Pastel Green Vertical Line - Long Signal (PAI Reader Strategy)
Pastel Red Vertical Line - Short Signal (PAI Reader Strategy)

Red Dashed Lines - Downward Reversal Momentum
Green Dashed Lines - Upward Reversal Momentum

Green Rectangle - Buying Area
Red Rectangle - Selling Area

Red Line - Stop Loss
Bold Aqua Dotted Line - Estimate Price Direction

Yellow Dotted Lines - Estimate Timerange of the price target might be getting hit

Orange Dotted Line - Profit taking Point
We are VERY CLOSE to have Jump Above The Creek (JACK) event. 90M,3H,6H RSI and LSMA are incredibly high: we should expect bbands to expand and the price action to gup with than expansion. 12H and 1D are about to cross level 50 providing yellow Bband Basis as support (this will be our LPS) and making it reasonable to aim at least to the White/Aqua Upper Bbands on these timeframes. I believe we will see price action go higher as an SOS.

I'll provide LONG signals definitely as soon as i will see nice pullback that will act as Last Point Of Support (LPS)

In my opinion VETUSDT price action will reach White/Aqua upper on the 2D timeframe


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