Buy VIX Futs with an ETF for simplicity before Santa rally over

Dowbt Im only one who is front running reversal unjustified market rally with no earning proof driven by inflation that is diminishing no longer supporting earnings JPM'a theory basically mid this pas year but he was correct but too early to the earnings crash party! Now that Dem's fiscal punch bowl is nearly empty adding 7 trillion to national debt in less than a year to help midterms and markets just priced in 5 rate cuts and earnings multiples at 20 (long-term=15) including mag-7 take out mag-7 not so hot). Hard to justify any more growth with excelorating diss-inflation and "black-swan" risk is non-black swan character as so many increasingly potential systemic risk just keep stacking up, plus a corrupted Presidential Administration, Congress, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Dept. of homeland security, school system, universities, and mainstream media have perpetuated/caused the problem with bs employment numbers, omissions and flat out lies as well as staring wars, ruining trade agreements and unleashing the worst inflation in 40 years all about to collapse from sheer societal rejection that will most likely be exposed causing worst crash best described by Jeremy Gratham (just YouTube him if your not familiar with the oldest and most historically-successful "Wall-Streeter perma-bear")

NOTICE: Expressions are not recommendation or advice. If you are not competent then obviously should consult what is called an "Advisor" on the subject. Don't blame me if you make a decision based on this as it is only an opinion and past performance does not constitute a reasonable basis for future performance or non-performance as we don't have a time-machine obviously this goes without saying but some really doubt people make it a habit to assume they know with certainty and can guarantee what the future holds and to those I say sit down and humble your self or the market will humble you for yourself in "New York Second," and that is pretty fast. Just saying, don't be a fool and use common sense and trade size and don't blame others for your decisions, and, trade responsibly.
blackswandeathzoneFibonacciFibonacci RetracementgeopoliticsSeasonalityuvixuvixyVolume
