At the start of the Asian market on Thursday, crude oil is currently trading around $76.5 per barrel. On Wednesday, crude oil continued to fall as concerns about more aggressive interest rate hikes weighed on economic growth and oil demand, outweighing the larger-than-expected reduction in US inventories. Although yesterday's decrease in crude oil inventories did not cause significant fluctuations in the price and quickly recovered, it shows that the overall trend of crude oil is weak. My trading strategy remains short, with a focus on selling high.
My trading strategy is to short crude oil at $77.8, with a stop loss at $78.6 and a target of around $75.
Investors can choose their own profit-taking points according to their trading style. The above is only a short-term trading perspective. I will notify you promptly if there are suitable opportunities. Liking, commenting, and subscribing are the best encouragement for me. Follow me to make trading simpler! You are also welcome to read my other ideas below.
Crude oil has reached the short-selling entry point of 77.8.
The crude oil short position entered at 77.8 has already yielded profits. Conservative traders may choose to take profit and exit, while more aggressive traders can consider retaining a portion of their position to observe levels near 76.7.
The market is following the expected trend, stay tuned.
Crude oil has reached 76.6 and can be fully closed for profit, waiting for the next opportunity.
The crude oil continues to decline and is approaching the take-profit level as outlined in the article.