USDUAH unreliable currency to save money

Based on this, you should have done everything possible for the Ukrainian hryvnia.
Before the New Year, the hryvnia may collapse: the dollar can jump up to 30 UAH / dollar.
In the budget for 2020, the price for one dollar (27 UAH) is approximate.
Ukraine is an industrial-agrarian country, so a seasonal increase in demand occurs in the summer.
Economic activities of companies. Hryvnia deficit is felt in all customers, therefore exporters are actively selling currency, while importers do not buy it in significant quantities. At a time when the supply of currency briefly exceeded demand, the NBU bought out the excess dollar. For Wednesday-Thursday, the regulator lowered its price tags from 26.60 to 26.58 hryvnia. You can buy for a week only $ 40 million;
The decrease in the discount rate by the National Bank from 8% per annum to 6% affects the resource interbank and the government bonds market. This step of the regulator will adjust the behavior of all the major players in the Ukrainian foreign exchange market - both local customers and banks;
On the interbank. Due to the deficit of the hryvnia, you have the opportunity to monitor the activation of currency sellers.
