FX:USDJPY   미국 달러 / 일본 엔
The chart for USD/JPY on a daily timeframe shows a strong bullish trend, supported by an upward trendline, with the current price at approximately 160.016 JPY. A significant "Strong Resistance Level" is identified around 160.209 JPY, where the price has previously encountered selling pressure.

The chart suggests a potential breakout above this resistance level. The projected price movement, indicated by a yellow arrow, shows that after facing some initial resistance, the price might briefly pull back to the trendline before continuing its upward trajectory. This suggests a bullish outlook if the price successfully breaks above 160.209 JPY.

Historical support is marked around 151.953 JPY, which has previously provided a solid foundation for upward movements. The trendline highlighted in red signifies consistent support, with the price bouncing off it multiple times, indicating its reliability.

In summary, the chart indicates a bullish outlook for USD/JPY, supported by the upward trendline and strong support around 151.953 JPY. The key resistance level to watch is 160.209 JPY. A successful breakout above this level could lead to further bullish momentum. Traders should monitor the trendline support to confirm the continuation of the upward trend and ensure the trendline holds to validate the bullish scenario.


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