ここから---- //version=5 indicator("CFTC: JPY speculative net positions", precision=0, timeframe = "1W") import TradingView/LibraryCOT/2 as cot var cftcCode = cot.currencyToCFTCCode("JPY")
maLen = input.int(40, minval=1, title='Weekly SMA Length')
// Function to request COT data. dataRequest(metricName, direction) => tickerId = cot.COTTickerid('Legacy', cftcCode, false, metricName, direction, "All") value = request.security(tickerId, "1D", close, ignore_invalid_symbol = true) if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory and na(value) runtime.error("Could not find relevant COT data based on the current symbol.") value