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The 10 Day MACD System [Learn More]

Yesterday was an awesome day for me.
Walking from town was nice even though it was hot.
I entered a department store to buy some cotton thread.

I needed to stitch my pants.
which i never knew how to do. So i bought the cotton
thread with the needles.

and reached home. Turned on YouTube.

Did a quick search on how to sew ripped pants.
i found a 2 min video and within like an hour
i was sewing my pants!!

"What is the point of this story" You may be thinking
I am trying to tell you that every price action
has a story a cycle.

A catalyst. And this currency pair is going to go up.
Because after the Fed made a decision to

cut these rates FEDFUNDS
by 50 Basis points or a half a percentage

It affected the markets and one of the currency pairs affected is
this one. USDJPY

Notice that according to the CCI it's undervalued.
Also beneath the chart, you will see

the MACD which is showing you a strong Buy signal
as the 10-day moving average has crossed the 30 days moving

This means the price has hit a New High
from its lowest Low.

Let's see what will happen this coming
week and come to this chart to check
to see if this analysis was right,

Especially after this week.

To learn more rocket boost this content.

Disclaimer:Trading is risky you will lose money wether you like it or not
please learn risk management and profit taking strategies.


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