
USDCAD - Wave E That Started In March Is Nearing Completion.

FX:USDCAD   미국 달러 / 캐나다 달러
This is a continuation of my previous post linked below in related ideas.

Wave 2 was short and sharp so Wave 4 is drawn out sideways.

Wave 4:
Wave D of Wave 4 is nearing completion and then we will probably get a choppy Wave E.

After this Wave D completes I expect to see the Wave E carry on until a few days before the end of the year before a spike occurs that will end this move since March.

The Result:
This will also end a 2 year correction of Blue Wave 2 that started right at the beginning of 2019.

We should see a 3rd of a 3rd wave commence after this occurs.

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