Trending Fibonacci Retracements

SPYvsGME 업데이트됨   
A little more detailed fibonacci retracements from my morning profile post this morning.

I'm not really confident in direction today, so I'm not making any trades. I believe US500 will get parked here around ~4666

I'm a meat popsicle, not financial advice.

...Like a glove
Took a deep dive into Gamma Exposure today to see if I could create a way to find a tickers Gamma Exposure and Gamma Flip without having to pay for it.

Most places like spotgamma and squeeze metrics and a few others do this behind a pay wall.

Most free options chain data is blocked by cors and any others are ridiculously over priced.

That doesn't stop the resourceful however.

early preview GEX viewer is up --> svgpro.ue.r.appspot.com/

check it out. please leave any feedback or bugs you find with it.

FYI... SPX is _SPX

the cors proxy is temporary until I can get an options chain.

I'll be posting these GEX and GEX Flip for popular tickers on my twitter daily.

My goal is to automate and make the info free.
love how there is still gamma exposure to GME at 950. you bois are nutz.


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