
Chapter 10 | Tesla Bankruptcy Update - Next Stop: Ch. 11

I first identified the Tesla short in April 2022 (linked to this post).

Since then we have seen a -75% selloff, followed by a ferocious BAILOUT in January 2023, only to be left for dead at -55% from ATH.

Although the Elon-EV cult remains in utter denial, the facts are the facts. Electric vehicles, car vending machines, "the future", robots, aliens, crypto trucks, crypto wallets, crypto dipto, whatever other narratives correlate, are all done. Over.

... wait a minute.. wait a minute..

Am I suggesting that Tesla was actually "bailed out". Yes.

Think about it. This cult has become so far-reaching that people were allocating significant portions of their retirement into the Tesla #EV #cult #fantasy... that's a problem. So the company was bailed out in January 2023, some time was "bought", and now here we are. Going nowhere 🤣, as the market enters yet another correction / selloff phase. Only this time, there won't be a multi-trillion dollar stimmy-bailout.

Ya'll, this market is SATURATED with fraud and tall tales. Example:

Tesla is valued higher than the "Big 3" combined. But Tesla 🤣 has less than 6% of the automotive market share. Think about that. This is a level of speculation that makes 1929 look like a game of Candyland... all thanks to podcasts and social media.


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