JICPT| Tesla completed retesting key zone as expected!

JICPT 업데이트됨   
Hello Tesla fans. This is a follow-up of my published idea titled 'Tesla conquered battle zone with much room ahead'. The pullback and retest movement was exactly what I projected.

The above image was what I screenshotted for the post and the below is what happened afterwards.

Now, price is at the upper boundary of the formed structure. What I anticipated would be as below:
1. accumulating momentum: price goes sideways for a while before a bullish rally leg-out candle.

2. continuation of sideways: Price drops again to previous low one more time and penetrate the upper boundary for the third time(two try rule!)

I would prefer to the first scenario. Don't forget today is Friday, most of which are quite choppy. Btw, bitcoin might give a push of Tesla. What do you think?

Give me a like if you're with me. Thanks for your support.
The conquered trouble zone fail to hold the price. Let's see if the uptrend line combined with MAs will be a strong defense level. If it's violated, price will test 623
The uptrend line holds well. Price bounced back from there.

plan your trade and trade your plan

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