
Trading TSLA using Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel

1 389
In this video I use TSLA with Tradingview video publishing and backtesting feature to demonstrate a trading strategy to make money using these signals. I go over how to use the Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel indicators to find potential breakout opportunities for trades.

Both the Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel measure price volatility. Bollinger Bands utilizes standard deviations and Keltner utilizes ATR but they both look for the same thing which is price to contract or expand. Putting them together can be a powerful signal to setup breakout trades!

I also show how to setup alerts in Tradingivew to turn this into an automated signal.

pssst... did you notice what the Daily chart today is doing?
Credit to this post for the indicator itself:
BB and Keltner Squeeze


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