
Tesla Update: Updated Fib's

I am not going to spend much time on this post tonight. I primarily wanted to give y'all updated fibs. The 2.618 as many of you are aware, is a very strong fib line. Any .618 is going to be very powerful. It's the gold standard of fibs and the 2.618 is @ $231.53. Also, I wanted to point out that the 0.786 of wave (1) is coming up soon at $243.23.

It does not have to retrace ALL the way to my target box. That is just a normal end point for this type of retrace...if we topped. When we actually get some decent action to the downside I can dial in more accurate targets. Until then, pressure is up.

Bonam Fortunam,

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Bonam Fortunam,

연관 아이디어


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