
Tesla Is About To Sink. Get PUTS Ready!!!!

Tesla Is About To Sink. Get PUTS Ready!!!!

Currently Tesla ( TSLA ) is in a Downward Channel . At the top of the channel I have charted three areas of resistance. On the Chart I've listed them as Weak to Strong. Tesla last low maintained a little over $100, saving its rep of trading in the three digits. I honestly think with the approach of Earnings on April 24th Tesla will Hit a new low, lower than $99. I'll List below things I'm watching to managed this thesis. Stay Bless and Happy Trading. And also ill be going live and share a Video on my thoughts on this TRADE with levels. (IM USING A SIM ACCOUNT)

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Go Easy On Me, Im New To This. ;)

1. Market Breadth in the S&P 500
2.52-Week Highs & Lows (MAHP & MALP)
3. Advance Decline Line
4.Price Exhaustion at the top of the downward channel NASDAQ:TSLA
5.Option flow ( Put Call Ratio ) in the resistance level of Channel.
6. VIX
7.Price Action Before Earnings (that's the purple line on the chart)


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