Soon 20$ baught at 15.5$, 9%+ dividend.

I am a long boy.
This is a once in 10 years trade for me. Wish me luck.
This is how you dividend invest, unlike youtubers claim.
Bull market= grow capital
Bear market/crash= one, safe long tearm dividend investment.

10 years this will give me closer to a 15% dividend and compunding. Ill use the dividend to growth invest during bull markets.

1. What i would say is one of the best CEOs and mangers in riet sector.
2. Compunding 25+ -% a year 18% growth 6% div growth.
3. Love that they refuse to take loans to pay dividend.
I listen to warren buffets etc while working and some one asked him if he had to chose a company to invest 100% of his money, what company would it be?
I found this out after i baught it. Warren named Stor and said that it has one of the best mangments and in 2004 it would have been a great buy or he would have baught Ko.

Well guess what i gott it cheaper then 2004.

If it drops bellow 15.5 ill invest everything i made from my oil tankers (130% gains currently).

Beyond Technical Analysisdividend
