

These banks are messing up the market as we have witnessed in the last week. Was it the tech bros creating a bank run to force the feds to chill out? Either way there will be more to fail in the near future as big banks buy them up. Weird stuff going on around the world the panic of a 2008 is setting in. But in the meantime traders trade and people are ready to buy the dips I wouldn’t be surprised to close the week at 394. Maybe people realize that keeping their money in a brokerage exchange is safer than keeping it in the bank. Why because exchanges have insurance for over $100 million why keep it in a bank that covers 250k. The SIPC covers 500k but you can get more coverage too. Anyway not much to talk about yesterday I had writers block today seems like it continues lol. But a retest of the 618 on the fibonacci looks about right. Trust your gut in this kind of market.
As always trade what’s in front of you good luck

연관 아이디어


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