Update (IRA): SPY Sept 30th 383/Nov 18th 430 Long Put Diagonal

Comments: As with my IWM short delta hedge, an update to my SPY setup (See Post Below) to push it more to the top of the queue so that I don't have to look for it five pages into my ideas feed ... . As of the last roll of the short leg: cost basis of 46.69 on a 47 wide with a 383.31 break even.
액티브 트레이드
Rolled the September 30th 383 to the October 7th 383 for a .91 credit. Cost basis of 45.78 on a 47 wide with a 384.22 break even. I probably could have also just left it alone, but wanted to collect a little more extrinsic while price is closer to the short put than it's been the past couple of weeks (since you never know where price will go from here).
액티브 트레이드
Rolled the October 7th 383 to the October 14th 383 for a 1.28 credit. Cost basis of 44.50 with a 385.50 break even on a 47 wide.
거래청산: 타겟 닿음
Hit take profit at 45.75 (50% of the max I could make on the trade); 1.25 ($125) profit per contract. Will re-erect the setup during Friday's session (along with QQQ and IWM hedges).
Beyond Technical AnalysislongputdiagonaloptionstrategiesshortdeltahedgeSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

관련 발행물
