
SPY - Nov 5 - 9 - Midterm Forecast

First chart here, totally not used to the UI yet.

My background is closer to market psychology than strict technical analysis, and thus my analysis should not be taken verbatim. I profess that most my analysis is from fear-gauging and psychological extrapolation based on similar past events - the crash in February, the DotCom crash, and the CN50USD chart are the major components.

The predictions are fairly solid - sharp drop today (11/5/2018) caused by the shitstorm that was international news this last weekend (avg volume, -2.5%) + fear/volatility increasing in the market + last week's APPL EC, slow recovery throughout this week leading up to the midterm election (expect fairly low volume, most big players are holding until the volatility bomb passes through), then regardless of the results - a massive plummet (-3~-6%). I'm godawful at communicating my thoughts, and the chart is definitely not helping, but @UnknownUnicorn3637029 has a similar idea that's much better put. I am more moderate on the movements, but I believe we have somewhat of the same idea.

Please do leave me plenty of questions - hopefully I can shed any light on my little theory.

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