SP500 TRUST Fibonacci Matrix + FREMA

Fibonacci wave metrics inputs of which are based on critical levels HL for example the bottom of covid19 selloff and current ATH.
Together with the linear expansion of FREMA bands and Fib intersections we can evaluate the right angle by the fact of systematic passing right through Fibonacci crossings. Calibration of market pulse must be outside of my subjective perspective because market doesn't care about my expectations and has its own dynamic path and tends to correct itself.
Since fibonacci ratios are used for working out chaotic behavior of market and they are placed right on candle data with magnet precision. Besides, what also adds validity to the structure is the fact that it is objective and free of my subjective interventions because even angles are determined by candle data. Fibonacci Matrix is a base for precise coverage even for the most unexpected scenarios. Sharping EMA extended bands through structure that is based on golden ratios is the best thing you can do before using those lines for forecasting. If you move scale into future this would decrease the chances of crossings. But not with FREMA bands because they are based on buying and selling pressure values. That's why even in distant future they cross. 스냅샷
2008 Financial Crisis Coverage
Dot Com Bubble pop
They are reminding me of railways and outer shell where each electrons have its orbit.
FibonacciFractalSupply and Demand
