
Goodnight, sweet prince... (SP500USD/SPXUSD)

vox-populi 업데이트됨   
FOREXCOM:SPX500   S&P 500 인덱스
If I even attempt to write up this goat rodeo we're calling a global economy.

The fact that SP500 made it this high isn't only surprising, it's hilarious.

How long can this continue for?
I suspect, not long, as this most recent move has been fueled entirely by the central banking system.

Nonetheless, I'm not telling you to short. These people can play this game alllllll day long.
But here's the chart, make your own decisions. Good luck traders
just lol
we had a nice scalp from 3153 - > 3090 but realistically there should have been a lot more juice to squeeze out of this
NFP data invalidated this most likely
this chart still makes me laugh
Welp the house of cards has finally come down..

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