S&P 500 인덱스

SPX: Kurzfristiges Ziel 2.740

Der breite US Aktienmarkt läuft aktuell in ein Triangle. Das aktuelle Momentum ist aufwärtsgerichtet und wird unterstützt durch Sentimentindikatoren, die den gesamten letzten Handelstagam 23.03.2018 über "extreme fear" erreicht hatten. Kursziel ist 2.740 Punkte.

US Sentimentindikatoren auf Crash Niveau (III)

US Sentimentindikatoren auf Crash Niveau (II)

Long Trades zuvor:

US Sentiment-Indikatoren auf "Crash Niveau"

ES / SPX: Kurzfristiges Aufwärtsmomentum bis 2.800 Punkte

액티브 트레이드
Trump verbündet sich mit den Verbündeten der USA:

15:04 Uhr
USA weisen 60 russische Geheimdienstmitarbeiter aus

Jetzt geht's Schlag auf Schlag: Nach Deutschland weisen nun auch die USA russische Geheimdienstmitarbeiter aus. Allerdings nicht nur vier, sondern gleich 60. Außerdem werde das russische Konsulat in Seattle geschlossen, hieß es vom Weißen Haus. Hintergrund ist auch hier der Giftanschlag auf Sergej Skripal. mobil.n-tv.de/der_tag/Montag-26-Maerz-2018-article20354144.html
액티브 트레이드
Dow jumps 600 points as trade tensions ease
The Dow Jones industrial average traded 600 points higher, with Microsoft as the best-performing stock in the index.
The move higher comes after the major averages posted their worst week since January 2016 amid fears of a trade war between China and the U.S.
Earlier, the Financial Times reported China has offered to buy more semiconductors from the U.S. to help cut its trade surplus with the U.S.
액티브 트레이드
MAGA - Trump feiert 670 Punkte Plus des DJIA

액티브 트레이드
Wall Street gains on easing trade war tensions

Wall Street was higher on Tuesday, building on strong gains from the previous session on waning fears of a trade war between the United States and China.

All the 11 major S&P sectors were higher, with financial and technology stocks topping the list.

U.S. stocks suffered their worst declines of the year last week after President Donald Trump moved to impose tariffs on Chinese imports of up to $60 billion, adding to the import restrictions already placed on solar panels, steel and aluminum. Those concerns have eased following reports the United States and China are willing to renegotiate tariffs and trade imbalances.
"There's going to be continued volatility in the short term and a lot of it will depend on how the fundamental news flow comes out," said Lisa Erickson, head of traditional investments at U.S. Bank Wealth Management in Helena, Montana.
"Right now the biggest driver in the market seems to be around the trade news and it is looking more and more like some of these tariff discussions are negotiations rather than strong protectionist measures."
액티브 트레이드
FB @ 151: Facebook fällt in Bearmarket Territorry. Weg nach unten ist für FB frei. US Indices sollten weiter steigen - trotz Facebook.

Nasdaq drops 3%, Dow falls more than 400 points as tech shares roll over
액티브 트레이드
U.S., South Korea to revise trade pact with currency side-deal, autos concessions

The United States and South Korea agreed to revise their six-year-old trade pact with a side deal to deter competitive currency devaluation by Seoul and with concessions for U.S. autos and pharmaceutical companies, Trump administration officials said on Tuesday. investing.com/news/economy-news/us-south-korea-have-agreed-in-principle-on-new-trade-deal-white-house-1365592
액티브 트레이드
Facebook shares see 1.6% pop in premarket trade after announcing privacy-setting changes marketwatch.com/story/facebook-shares-see-2-pop-in-premarket-trade-after-rolling-out-new-privacy-settings-2018-03-28
액티브 트레이드
SPX @ 2.602: Sentiment-Indikatoren weiter auf "Crash Niveau - extreme fear".

Cboe Intraday Put Call Ratio: 1,37
Chart: End of Day Werte

Fear & Greed Index: "6", realtime: money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/

Euwax Sentiment: negativ boerse-stuttgart.de/de/boersenportal/wertpapiere-und-maerkte/euwax-sentiment/
액티브 트레이드
Trump's China tariffs may not begin until June -U.S. officials
U.S. President Donald Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods may not be imposed until early June, administration officials said on Wednesday, with public consultations and potential tariff revisions buying time for negotiations to forestall them.
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said he anticipates about 60 days worth of public comment on a soon-to-be published tariff list, but added that it would take years to bring the U.S.-China trading relationship "to a good place." investing.com/news/economy-news/us-trade-chief-to-give-china-60day-tariff-notice-sees-yearslong-effort-1368309
액티브 트레이드
Die Welt, wie sie Trump täglich erklärt wird - FOX & friends:


Trumps letzte Chance, um die Wahlniederlage im November abzuwenden:

MAGA: Neue ATH´s für die Aktienmärkte.

Trigger: 1,3 bn Infrastruture Programm
액티브 트레이드

Trump ändert seine Tonlage: "Best buddy" von Chinas President Xi und harter Kämpfer gegen "Animal Assat" nach den Giftgasangriffen.

"President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade. China will take down its Trade Barriers because it is the right thing to do. Taxes will become Reciprocal & a deal will be made on Intellectual Property. Great future for both countries!"



Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price...

....to pay. Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!

액티브 트레이드

US-Tech-Giganten stellen sich gegen Trumps Zölle
Führende US-Tech-Firmen haben sich in einem Brief an US-Wirtschaftsminister Mnuchin gegen US-Zölle gewandt. Die USA sollten auf die WTO setzen. app.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/it-medien/apple-google-amazon-us-tech-giganten-stellen-sich-gegen-trumps-zoelle/21153698.html
액티브 트레이드
SPY @ 2.650 Wall Street edges higher as techs gain, trade war worries ebb
All three major U.S. indexes rose more than a percent on Monday as gains in technology shares and a softer stance by U.S. policymakers on China trade tariffs powered a rebound in stocks from last week's selloff. Nine of the 11 major S&P sectors were higher and 27 of the 30 Dow components were in the positive territory. Boeing (N:BA) was the biggest boost to the Dow, while gains in Apple shares (O:AAPL) led the S&P 500. The FANG group, comprising four closely watched internet stocks: Facebook Inc (O:FB), Amazon.com Inc (O:AMZN), Netflix Inc (O:NFLX) and Alphabet Inc's Google (O:GOOGL), were up between 1.1 percent and 3.4 percent.
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USA erwägen Rückkehr zu Pazifik-Handelsabkommen

Die Aufkündigung war eine seiner ersten Amtshandlungen - nun lässt US-Präsident Trump Wege suchen, wie die Vereinigten Staaten doch wieder Teil des transpazifischen Handelsabkommens werden könnten. m.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-erwaegt-rueckkehr-zu-pazifik-handelsabkommen-a-1202676.html
액티브 트레이드
SPX/SPY @ 2.700: Kursziel in Reichweite.



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