S&P 500 인덱스

Macro Gift for Easter..

Happy Easter All.... So here's a chart I haven't shared yet that may interest some of you. For those who know/have heard of Numerology, this year is an "8"; (you add each individual digit of the year - 2+0+2+4), then look at prior "8" years. I won't get into the reason for this, it's a deep, long discussion...but let's check these 8's out.
Over the past ~90yr, here are the Bar Patterns for the year. The Top Patterns are those most closely fitting our current PA. The Bottom Patterns are those least matching. Of notable interest is that, IMO, we most closely match 1943&1961 at the moment. Two periods of (pre)Inflation. Particularly 1943, when we had large govt deficits (as we do now) do to war spending.
Might be something you find useful to follow in the coming months.

As always, good luck, have fun, and practice solid risk management.


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