S&P 500 인덱스

Bears are lined up again: Put/Calls + VIX ready for Normandy

1. Vix spiking with increasing relative tops and relative bottoms
2. Put/Calls ratio going up and now around 2 (every 1 call there are 2 puts around)

Previous short squeeze, which caused innatural spike in S&P, is very well justified looking at quick covering of many shorts building up after August 11th shake

1929 is looming around the corner

See where we are at the end of the day.

Happy trading!
Ok guys - here we go
It's coming down
Update the graph:
1. VIX through the roof
2. Put/calls up to three
3. Oil has never decreased that fast since April 2020
4. Bitcoin follows
Now let's catch up with 1929 real quick
Oil sudden drop - First stime that fast since May 2020
Bitcoin joining the ride down
Bitcoin sudden drop - entering dip


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