S&P 500

GFC timeline

I was going over the timeline of the Great Financial Crisis of '07-'09 and decided to map the events out on the SPX chart for more visual edge as. It is particularly fun to follow in the Replay Mode, although, unfortunately, the Replay Mode doesn't support gradual unfolding of the drawings - only the price.

I've used the color coding to distinguish between different "kinds" of events:
Purple = market events (margin calls, price action events, indicators such as yield curve or GDP growth number, etc). I've also marked the Burry CDS trade this way.
Blue = state intervention (bailouts, legislative, monetary, fiscal action by the sate and the like). I've also marked corporate events (such as acquisitions) which happened with funding or pressure from state institutions this way.
Pink(magenta?) = corporate events (bankruptcies, mergers, acquisitions, closure of funds, etc).
Yellow = words (statements from public officials, institutions and the like)
Black = social events (unrest).

Some of the events in the timeline didn't have a specific date - I've approximated their location on the chart (such as 15th for events which have only a particular month listed, or last day of the quarter for reported quarterly stats).

I've also mapped the "Burry trade" level on the chart for the Big Short fans. I believe he was actually DCA'ing on the way up, so the level doesn't do his trade full justice, but who cares.


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