
SandP Final Rally Leg Up? Expanding Megaphone!

DaddySawbucks 업데이트됨   
TVC:SPX   S&P 500
How high could it fly? Expecting 4130-4144 tar. Maybe it already topped? We'll soon find out!

The megaphone is ominous, could get correction back to support at 3800, or less, if it plays the horn.

Not investing advice; trade at your own risk; GLTA!
Opens lower, trades higher, looks like a 4th wave IMO, Fed minutes today, might just boom Thurs/Fri.
Would not be short here yet...
Flipped some puts rolled into calls flipped those now in cash; IMO it's not quite ready to sell just yet... might get higher again Tues, be cautious with shorts!
This gets real close to tar now. it's in the box, 4130 - 4144 is tar box, see my related posts; can creep higher and you have got to be cautious shorting this beast, a short squeeze here will drive price suddenly and fiercely higher, an ultimate spike is possible, do not get squeezed!!
Wow lucky call with 4144, went right there and rejected! Made some bank from this, it can bounce, be wary!

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