-The risk adjustments that many "analytical houses" will make in their "rebalances" of hedged assets, will suggest that the "valuations" of the companies are high.
-We may see an increase in the US interest rate, therefore, we will see the earnings expectations of companies dependent on cheaper loans being reduced quarter by quarter in the first six months of 2023.
-A preponderant factor that may directly interfere with assets around the world are issues related to the containment of American inflation, which directly impacts the inflation of several countries via exchange rate and, consequently, via the interest rate of central banks, bringing even more certainty as a possible global recession.
--If the first six months of the year pass without many surprises in the American inflationary field, we may have a reduction in the perception of risks, bringing again the flow of foreign capital to the most promising emerging countries, making the wheel of wealth turn again.
--With so many risks on the horizon, the wisest thing for anyone looking to buy the stock market is to opt for commodity assets, or for assets with greater exposure to the external environment due to the “exchange rate” factor.
-Despite so much bad news on the radar, we should not fail to look at the countless good companies that have almost priced their discounts. "Open your eyes".
-Do your analysis and good business.
-Be Aware, If You Buy, Use Stop!
-See below for other reviews!
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