I don't know how about you  with 2020. For me, the start of this year is bizarre. Started with a possible Iran - US war, bushfire crisis in Australia, Taal volcano eruption, hurricanes, Dennis storm, massive locusts swarm, and continuous threat of corona virus, and now an 8% of drop in 4 trading days on stock-markets.... However, I believe that this is not the end, but in a longer-term, all of this will fade away. Stocks were extremely overbought, they had no sync with the real performance of economies. It was a bubble which had to blow. Now, as the cool-down in process. I will make this post a free one. Now it's not for showing my post end-of the month, and rise the interest of potential new subscribers. Please share this post amongst your friends and relatives to relax them and calm down their fear.

 Regarding to the corona virus: probability of getting infected is less than 1%. 80% of this 1% has no major observation during the illness. 20% of the 1% needs medical assistance. And I didn’t talk about the age distribution of the fatalities, neither ratio between pre-existing medical conditions. Additionally from statistical and mathematical viewpoint sooner someone gets infected, will have more chance to survive as hospitals will have higher capacity to help now than on the peak. So, the fear is a nice and multi-month reason to make a dive on stocks and call the corona card out instead of talking about the major economical issues in China, Italy (which is know to be a huge danger on the European economy due to its debt/GDP ratio, not talking about USA where a drop now is almost a must and then, in a few month we will see a nice recovery and pre-election market rally.

This blog and its premium services is not about the holistic view on the global events. We take them into account at our trades, however, as you could see for long years now, media matches an event to a long-prepared market move. And my long-term subscribers know it well,  we can identify those, institutional preparations weeks in advance.

Our task now is to identify the possible profitable direction of our traded assets and make trading decisions. And now, as the drop happened we need to identify when to release our short positions and go long before the masses do the same. We need to move together with the large traders not with the retail layer. And yes, that's a contrarian strategy...

Buy when others cry, sell when others smile.


There is a true panic on stock-markets now. We have an objective gauge for that: Vix is above 18 meaning extreme times. Our system is less reliable in this environment and we need to pull out our best knowledge in these times to make a forecast. The first, and most important thing is to stay as calm as possible, relax and be as objective as possible. Also, use all of our four trading system + classic TA to work out a strategy.  Let's start.

Harmonics is a confirmed sell for stocks. Stocks reached the second target we established in early December. Now there's one more close target and then, the last target is SPX 2950.  Please observe the huge gap upside as well.
Beyond Technical AnalysisTrend Analysis
Trader, using patented technology to detect moves of large players (market makers). Part of my techniques work on cryptos as well.

'Follow smarts, make money'
