Based on the provided market data, the SOL currency currently has a price of $108.76 against USDT. Looking at the 4-hour timeframe, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 50.16, which is neutral, indicating that the market is neither overbought nor oversold. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is 2.33, showing a bullish trend. The Bollinger Bands (BB) are at 122.78, suggesting that the market volatility is relatively high. The support levels are at $93.20, $72.67, and $61.69, while the resistance levels are at $127.91, $155.71, and $172.00.

In the daily timeframe, the RSI is at 88.03, which is considered overbought and could indicate a potential price correction. The MACD is 13.27, which shows a strong bullish trend. The BB is at 126.20, indicating high market volatility. The support levels are at $84.26, $51.26, and $35.40, while the resistance levels are at $142.20, $205.00, and $254.00.

On the 7-day timeframe, the RSI is at 155.00, which is extremely overbought and could suggest a significant price correction in the near future. The MACD is 17.78, showing a strong bullish trend. The BB is at 155.00, indicating high market volatility. The support levels are at $44.06, $21.26, and $17.71, while the resistance levels are at $145.00, $263.00, and $330.00.

In conclusion, based on the above analysis, the SOL currency is showing strong bullish momentum in the short term. However, the high RSI values on the daily and 7-day timeframes suggest that the market is currently overbought, which could lead to a potential price correction. Therefore, it could be a good strategy to wait for a potential price dip before entering a long position. Please note that this is just an analysis based on the given data and not financial advice. Always do your own research and consider your financial situation before investing in cryptocurrencies.


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