
Part 2: Silver will touch 69200 levels again?

MCX:SILVER1!   Silver Futures
Key level: 62110
On 6 June 2021, I had drawn a chart of silver (!/BQjjDw2V-Silver-will-touch-69200-levels-this-week/). Wherein, I've shown the silver can collapse up to 0.618. It has made a low of 62184 and touched 0.618 levels of retracement.

If MCX silver crossover and close below the level of 62110, it will try to hit 60000 - 58900 - 57260 levels.

Otherwise, it will take a bounce back from here and come back to the 65800 - 69200 levels.

Please note, don’t forget to watch significant releases or events mentioned in the last update of crude oil that may affect the movement of gold, silver, and crude oil. URL:!/vG4XlFxJ-Will-MCX-Crude-oil-Come-Back-to-5500/

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