
Back Up The Truck!

Silver has commenced minor wave 2 down.
This could bottom around the $26 of the best opportunities to buy is coming.
Just buy and hold.

I have said a few times on this forum that the big money will be made on precious metals and not shorting the markets.
Cryptos have been spectacular and will ride this coming mania.

The puppet masters control the sheep via their plandemic, not enough sheeple are taking their experimental vax, gifts and bribes are needed.
Marketing is required as nobody is dying from Covid...just old age and underlying conditions.

The end result from this fraud will be many hundreds of millions dead or sterilised.
Why would you trust someone with zero medical experience to take an unproven injection?..yet Bill Gates has done exactly that to the unaware.

Expect an event coming which will involve a cyber attack and manifestation of such proportion, an orchestrated and carefully planned execution of our system.
They will blame it on whatever and your social discussions will be extinguished.
This will be their answer or excuse to re-boot and reset.

Most individuals just don't care and blindly trust the most lying entity on this earth - Government.

Get yourselves as much physical gold and silver as possible before it's too late.
Call it a kill switch.

Good trading!

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