
Reddcoin Risk(1):Reward(6), Long Opportunity!

Ladies and Gentlemen today we are looking at Reddcoin’s price action. Starting w/ the daily we see price has recently broke out of a small bearish parallel channel, and is currently testing our resistance @ $0.0060250.

Shifting over to our pattern timeframe we get a better picture of the our bearish parallel breakout + Double Bottom w/ breakout and tested for support as well. A break and close above $0.00630000 on the 4hour is the next best entry. Stochastic RSI showing the bulls are alive on the smaller timeframes.

Lastly viewing our trigger timeframe we get a better sight of our resistance. An hourly break above $0.00630000 activates our trade

Target 1: $0.007
Target 2: $0.008
Target 3: $0.010
Target 4:$0.015
Target 5: $0.017

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