QQQ Thursday Gap Up Reversal

Short-term & small sample, but an interesting pattern nonetheless...

If we look back at similar events to Thursday's action, they've all been short-term tops in the market. We're looking at: (1) Gap up open on a Thursday; (2) Bearish reversal closing near the lows of the day; (3) Increased Volume from the prior day(s); (4) Preceded by a good run in the market.

I think it's worth noting, although I'm not sure the market dynamic behind it, that these recent short-term tops have all occurred on a Thursday. So seeing similar-type action this past Thursday is sending up a short-term cautionary signal, especially after such a strong runup over the last few weeks. I want to emphasize 'short-term' though, because the long-term trend is still very much in tact. It may also be worth noting the lack of breadth under the hood as an additional short-term cautionary sign, although there are certain areas and groups that have been participating... it's been very much a stock picker's type of environment.
Bullish PatternsChart PatternsEconomic CyclesgapmovingavaragepatternpullbackQQQreversalshorttermtrendTrend Analysis
